OM was excited, It was his first day at ‘THE MAGIC LESSONS’ class. He found himself standing outside a wooden door with peeled powder blue paint. On top, there were the words THE MAGIC LESSONS written in caps lock, shining bright in golden colour. But what was bizarre was that the words were not attached to the door, it looked like they were suspended mid-air.
In his 7 years of life, he has never seen anything that peculiar. Inside an old woman was wearing dirty brown clothes with pointed nails. She looked scary to OM, then her face broke into the most beautiful smile he has ever seen. She beckoned him inside. There in front of her was a table on which there was a ball. Football-sized, in fluorescent green with bright red lips and a blue button. The old woman lifted her index finger with pointed nails and asked OM to sit on the chair in front of the table.

“Today is your first day of MAGIC LESSONS. We will start with creating small magic in your life. Now tell me one of the biggest problems of your life?” the old woman demanded.
“Mm mm…’’ OM cleared his throat. “I don’t like to do my homework. I have to go to school study there and come back home and do homework, life is so difficult!!” he exclaimed lifting his hands in the air.
The woman shook her head dismissively “Now boy. Listen to me carefully. Life is what you think about it. If you think life is hard. It will be hard. The secret to creating magic in life lies in our thought. There are other things of course but a major power resides there. So, you got to think that life is easy, there will be challenges, yes. You need to overcome those challenges. For that, you will have to transform your hatred for homework into love. You will need to put efforts towards it.”
“Hang on. So, in this MAGIC LESSONS, you are not going to teach me about how to convert that bad boy Goldie into a dung beetle, by using some wand or something?’’ asked OM incredulously, feeling of being cheated rising inside him.
“Sorry to crush your hopes boy but that does not happen in real life. In real life, we have to create positive and happy thoughts to live a magical life. So, take this ball and before you sit to do your homework switch on the blue button on this ball, it will make an invisible connection with your brain. You have to say ‘I LOVE TO DO MY HOMEWORK.’ The ball will magically keep on repeating it. Listen to it for 5 minutes. Listen to it every day and your brain structure will start to rewire itself and gradually you will love doing homework This is how real magic happens. Easy, isn’t it?” she finished with a fake smile that somehow looked beautiful.

OM asked, “What do you mean by rewiring my brain?” While narrowing his eyes.
The old woman with an air of impatience explained “You have repeatedly created thoughts of hatred for your homework. That is why your brain has associated homework with hatred. Now you need to change it by telling yourself, I love to do my homework. When you do this repeatedly your brain will start to associate homework with love.”
OM was not entirely convinced but he decided to give it a try.
Day 1
OM pressed the button and saw a faint transparent thread emerging from the ball connected to his forehead. He loudly said “I LOVE TO DO MY homework.’’
The ball started repeating it in a soft voice. After two minutes it was irritating him, he wanted the ball to shut up, so he switched off the blue button, but it kept on repeating. Frustrated he banged the ball against the wall, and still, it continued repeating. No magic had happened he hated his homework and did not do it.
Day 2
He was fed up with the ball repeating the same thing throughout the day but after a while, he stopped paying attention to the ball and it stopped bothering him. He still hated doing the homework and did not do it.
Day 3
Due to repeatedly listening to the repetitions of the ball. He felt that his feelings were changing. Even though his feelings were changing, the dislike was still there and he did not do homework on day 3 too. Over the next few days, he noticed that some of his friends at school do their homework regularly. He felt that even he should do it.
It was not easy to love to do homework for him. Whenever he would sit for homework, he would feel like closing his book, and most of the time he did close his books. He got frustrated.

Indignantly he went to THE MAGIC LESSONS class the next day. Placing the talking ball on the table he vented “This ball is pathetic. It does not work. I still don’t like to do homework.”
“You think magic happens instantly. Don’t you? Boy, you have been hating your homework for quite a few years and you expect to love it in a couple of days. It does not work like that. You need to put in the effort to try and change your feelings towards homework.’’ She got up and from a shelf behind her took out a dusty book with a pencil and a transparent-looking eraser clasped to it. “Here take this book. Press the blue button which is on the top corner of the left side. it will get connected to your heart. Whatever you will think and speak throughout the day will get recorded here. Every night the book will automatically flash only those thoughts and words where you have associated your homework with hatred. You need to erase the word hatred and replace it with love. It will change your feelings towards it. You shall go now.” Saying that she closed her eyes and went into a trans-like state.

Day 1
OM pressed the button and got his heart connected with the book. In the evening when he opened the book he saw that there were 50 times he had thought about hating his homework. He started to erase hate and wrote love. Even though it was hard work, each time he replaced hate with love, he felt a bit better. By the time he finished erasing all the 50 words, he was in a happy mood. But he was still not motivated enough to do his homework.
Day 2
When he opened his book in the evening he noticed that 38 times he hated his homework was written, but there were a few times when he had thought and said that ‘I should try doing my homework’. His thoughts about homework were changing, he felt good, he took out his book and managed to do a few pages of his homework.

Day 3
He hated his homework 10 times, and there were 17 times he created thoughts and spoke about doing his homework. It motivated him, he completed half of his homework.
Day 4
The book flashed 5 times hating homework and 40 times loving his homework. He was proud of his progress and today he did his homework full.
Then onwards although there were times when he did not like doing his homework, it was a rare occurrence. Now, most of the day OM does his homework.
This is how OM learned to convert his hatred into love and overcame a very big challenge in his life.
We might not all have a magic ball and book like OM but we can keep on telling ourselves that I love to do my homework. Within a few days, our hatred will decline and we will transform it into a love for homework. You all should try it. But remember magic will only happen when we don’t give up, don’t stop till the time you start loving your homework. Because you can only enjoy life when you overcome challenges and transform your hatred into love.
If you want to teach your child the right language of success, happiness, stress, competition and life then check out my blog EMPOWER YOUR CHILD WITH POSITIVE SELF-TALK.
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